Map Resort
1 Room 1 Bathroom 3 Guest
Boasting manicured lawns and sparkling water features, the Map Resort Alibaug, India provides travelers with a serene resort getaway. Whether your itinerary includes business or leisure, make time to explore the beautiful nearby beaches of Nagaon, Varsoli, Kihim and Alibaug. In addition to its stunning beaches, the coastal town of Alibaug boasts a storied past, which comes to life at spots like the Kolaba and Undheri forts. Hotel guests also appreciate being about 89 kilometers from the more
Monday to Thursday | Friday & Sunday | Saturday | |
Base Price |
₹3,395 |
₹3,575 |
₹3,575 |
Base Occupancy |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Additional Adult |
₹1,300 |
₹1,300 |
₹1,300 |
Additional Kid |
₹900 |
₹900 |
₹900 |
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